Agefi Luxembourg - juillet août 2024

Juillet / Août 2024 23 AGEFI Luxembourg Fonds / ESG InterviewwithValere TWAGIRAYEZU, Director, Investment Funds Services, Pascal LAMBILLON, Director, Headof Corporate Services and Wilfried LOTTIN, Managing Director, CEO of Ogier Global Luxembourg. Briefly, introduce us to your group Wilfried Lottin : Ogier is a professional services firmincluding 3 divisions: - Legal: Practical advice on BVI, Cay- man, Guernsey, Irish, Jersey and Lux- embourg law. - Corporate and Fiduciary: Services in- cluding fund administration, corporate and private wealth services with a strong reputation in governance and regulatory compliance. - Consulting:We help clients navigate the evolvingregulatorylandscape.Delivering tailoredadvisoryservicesthatmakecom- pliance seamless. In addition to Luxembourg, we are pre- sent in a number of other jurisdictions, including Jersey, Guernsey, Beijing, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, HongKong, Ireland, London, Shanghai, Singapore, Tokyo and recently inDubai . Our group has around 1100 employees and our knowledge and expertise allow us to handle the most demanding and complex transactions in area suchBank- ing and Finance, Corporate, Dispute Resolution, Investment Funds, Private Wealth, Regulatory and Tax. We work closely with Ogier’s partner-led legal teams to incorporate and administer a wide variety of vehicles. Working col- laboratively with clients ensures we de- liver responsive, commercial solutions. In Luxembourg, our law firm (Ogier Legal) has been present for over 12 years, whileOgierGlobal, our corporate andfiduciary services division, was cre- ated around 5 years ago. In June Ogier Global obtained a fund administration licence from the Com- mission de Surveillance du Secteur Fi- nancier (CSSF). What will this licence bring to your group? Wilfried: Weareextremelyproudtohave announcedinmid-JunethatOgierGlobal has obtained a fund administration li- cence from the Commission de Surveil- lance du Secteur Financier (CSSF). This significantachievementmarkstheculmi- nationofalongandrigorousprocess,un- derlining our seriousness and the trust placed in us by the CSSF. The acquisition ofthislicenceshouldbringmanybenefits to our Group. Not only does it enhance our portfolio of services, allowing us to offer a much broader range including, at last, fundadministrationservicesdirectly to our clients, but it also consolidates Ogierasaglobalsolutionsproviderinthe Luxembourgmarket. Pascal Lambillon: Indeed, given that we’vebeenprovidingservices forunreg- ulated vehicles for almost 5 years now, we’venoticed that customers are increas- ingly looking for a one-stop shop, from project initiation through administration and management to liquidation where appropriate. That’s why, when a struc- ture involves an investment fund, with our colleagues at Ogier Legal, the law firmalso based in Luxembourg andpart of the network, we are now able to pro- vide this type of service. Why do you think Luxembourg has be- come for Ogier a key location for fund administration? Valère Twagirayezu: Luxembourg is the leadingcentreforfundadministrationon a global scale, the combination of a favourable regulatory framework, politi- cal and economic stability (Luxembourg has a Triple A rating), a qualified and multilingual workforce and a commit- ment to continuous development has strengthened our group’s perception of investing in this country in the service of investment funds. Wilfried: We are part of a multi-jurisdic- tional group and while we are already present as a fund administrator in certain jurisdictions such as Cayman and Hong Kong,itseemedessentialtousfortherea- sons described above to do the same in Luxembourg, especially as Luxembourg serves as a gateway for fund distribution not only within the EU but also globally. This positioning enables us to cover re- quests involving structures, assets and in- vestors fromEurope,Asia orAmerica - in short, fromall over theworld. What are your mainmissions and areas of expertise? Pascal: First of all, this new offering in Luxembourg leverages our existing ex- pertiseincorporateandfiduciaryservices and the management of diverse unregu- lated entities such as management com- panies, special purpose vehicles, and holding companies. This enhancement will ensure that we can service all our clients’ needs and contrary to what we generally see, at Ogier Global, expertise willnotbelimitedtoonefield,butwewill be able to provide services and advice both at the level of the funds and at the level of the underlying companies. Wilfried: Ourmissionsandareasofexper- tise would be tailored to each client and the specific context of the provision of in- vestment funds, corporate and fiduciary serviceswith a special emphasis on inno- vation, responsiveness to clients, and ad- visory services. Ensuring responsiveness to clients’ needs is key forOgier.We have noticedthatsincethecompanywasestab- lished, thishasbeenaveryvaluablebene- fit for our clients. This involves not only reactive measures, but also in-depth knowledge and a proactive commitment to anticipating clients’ needs. We are also keen to ensure excellence and that pro- cessesareefficient,scalableandcustomer- focused. This involves continuous improvement initiatives and the use of technologyforoperationalefficiency.With thisinmindandinordertobettermeetthe specificneedsofourclients,wehaveeven, within Ogier Global in Luxembourg, es- tablished2 sister entities, onededicated to the specificities of non-regulated vehicles underthesupervisionoftheOECandone whichfocusesontheadministrationofin- vestment funds under theCSSF. Valère: Indeed, innovation is key at Ogier. For us there are innovative ways of deliveringour services toour clients in a way that is faster and more user friendly, maximising client satisfaction. Innovation will also help us to be more efficient, reducing the risk of errors and allowing us to propose fees to our clients that are more competitive. This may in- volvedigitisation initiatives, useofdigital tools for sharing information with our clientsanduseofAItoimprovethespeed andqualityofourservices.Thesearepro- jectswe areworkingonandwill develop further in the near future. What are yourmainobjectives? Valère: Ogier Global Luxembourg will strivetobecomeaplayerofchoiceinLux- embourg Fund Administration market, for its quality, speed and innovation, while focusing relentlessly on maintain- ing compliance with laws and regula- tions.Wewill achieve that by investing in our people in new technologies, two im- portant enablers to achieving that objec- tive. Establishing and maintaining partnershipswiththebeststakeholdersin Luxembourg is another key component of our strategy.Webelieve that collabora- tion is key to providing an excellent ser- vice.Bypartneringwithourcolleaguesat Ogier Legal, withmajor financial institu- tions,investmentfundmanagersandser- vice providers, we enhance our business model and ensure that our clients benefit from a fully integrated approach to their needs. These partnerships not only ex- pand our service offering, but also rein- force our commitment to excellence and regulatory compliance. Wilfried: As Valère mentioned, invest- ment in our human resources is vital at Ogier if we are to achieve our objectives andmaintain our quality of servicewhile prioritising employee well-being. Recog- nising that our people are our greatest asset,wefocusoncontinuousprofessional development, creating an environment that encourages flexibility, collaboration andexcellence.OgierGlobalLuxembourg attaches great importance to the well- being of its employees. We understand that the health, satisfaction and general well-being of our teammembers are es- sential to our success and to the quality of service we provide to our clients. Finally, a strong commitment to improving inno- vationdrives our approach to servingour clients.Weaimto improveoperational ef- ficiency, reduce risk, strengthen compli- ancerequirementsanddeliversolutionsat the forefront by investing in technology andpromoting a culture of innovation. How would you describe what makes youdifferent in a nutshell? Valère: Wewant to be known as the fund administrator who has the following key characteristics: Speed, Quality and Inno- vation. It is our “SQI” framework that we havedesignedandareimplementing,and will become our DNA. “C” for compli- ance will be a key component of our framework. Wilfried: Andallthewhileprioritisingthe aspectofwell-beingforallouremployees. Ogier Global obtains CSSF licence to expand European fund administration offering ByIsabelleDELAS,CEO,andViola STROTZ, Senior Communications andMarketingOfficer, LuxFLAG I n today’s fast-paced world, where the stakes of climate change, biodi- versity loss, and social ine- quality are higher than ever, traditional paradigms of fi- nance are being challenged. The need for transformative actionhas never beenmore urgent.Welcome to a new era of finance - onewhere collaboration and innova- tion reign supreme in sha- ping a resilient future for generations to come. Embracing collaborative innovation and sustainable finance Gone are the days of singular so- lutionsandisolatedefforts.Today, we stand at the forefront of a movement that embraces collabo- rative innovationas thekey toun- locking a sustainable economy. It is amovement that recognizes the power of collective wisdom, where governments, businesses, financial institutions, and civil so- cietycometogethertoco-createso- lutions that address the complex challengeswe face. At the heart of this collaborative revolutionliessustainablefinance - a dynamic force that mobilizes capital towards projects and ini- tiatives with positive environ- mental and social impacts. But achieving true progress requires breakingdownsilosandbridging divides. It demands partnerships across diverse sectors and stake- holders, each playing a vital role in driving change. Governments must pave thewaywithenabling policies that incentivize sustain- able finance. Businesses must in- tegrateenvironmental,social,and governance (ESG) considerations into their strategies. Financial institutions must inno- vate products that alignwith sus- tainability goals. And civil society must hold all parties accountable, advocating for ethical practices. Yet, at the coreof collaborative in- novation lies a commitment todi- versity, equity, and inclusion. By ensuring that all voices are heard and valued, we unlock creativity and drive innovation that reflects the needs of all people, especially the most vulnerable. This inclu- sive approach not only fosters a fairer society but also leads to more robust and sustainable fi- nancial solutions. The importance of data, certification, and technology In the realmof sustainable invest- ing, data collection and rigorous certification processes are funda- mental. Organizations like LuxFLAG play a pivotal role in standardizingprocesses,empow- ering investors tomake informed decisions. LuxFLAG’s labels sig- naladherencetostringentcriteria, instilling confidence in the in- tegrity of sustainable products and fostering a culture of contin- uous improvement. But data alone is not enough. It mustbecredibleandreliable.That is where LuxFLAG’s rigorous la- belling frameworks come into play, setting sustainability bench- marksandincentivizingindustry- wide improvement and innovation. As we reimagine sus- tainable finance, we recognize the imperative of collaboration, in- formed by advanced technology like earth observation data. Such technologies offer unprecedented insights into environmental im- pacts, enabling more precise and effective decision-making. To- gether,theseelementshelpbuilda world where finance serves as a force for good—aworldof shared prosperity,aprotectedplanet,and thriving communities. LuxFLAG:Abeacon of collaborative effort LuxFLAG stands as a beacon of collaborative effort, pioneering changewithin Luxembourg and beyond. By fostering knowl- edge-sharing and best practices, we amplifyour collective impact, driving meaningful change on a global scale. This transformative journey represents a unique op- portunity to set the highest stan- dard for sustainable decision- making in finance - an opportu- nity we must not miss. By actively participating in global dialoguesandpartneringwithkey stakeholders, LuxFLAG exempli- fiestheessenceofcollaborativein- novation. Our commitment to transparency, credibility, and rig- orousstandardsservesasamodel forothersintheindustry.Through initiativeslikeourlabellingframe- works, we not only elevate the standards of sustainable finance but also inspire continuous im- provement and innovation across the sector. Acall-to-action for a sustainable future Aswe look to the future, it is clear thatthepathtoasustainableworld isonewemustwalk together. The challenges we face are complex and multifaceted, requiring the concerted efforts of all sectors of society. By harnessing the power ofcollaborationandembracingin- novative solutions, we can trans- form finance into a powerful tool for sustainable development. This isnot just avision for the future - it is a call to action for the present. The commitment to leading this charge, working hand in hand with partners across the globe, is essential to ensuring that finance becomes a driving force for posi- tive change. In doing so, we can build a legacy of sustainability that future generations will in- herit and continue to advance. Through collective effort and a shared dedication to sustainable principles, we can achieve a worldwhereprosperity,environ- mental stewardship, and social equity go hand in hand. The collaborative revolution: Transforming finance for a sustainable future