

mardi 3 décembre 2024 - Tous les titres

Comptes de profits et pertes des établissements de crédit au 30 septembre 2024 (CSSF)

Le résultat avant provisions et impôts du secteur bancaire luxembourgeois s’élève à 7.588,3 millions d’EUR pour les trois premiers trimestres de l’année 2024, ce qui représente une augmentation de...

5e Forum interdisciplinaire sur l'inclusion numérique

Le 2 décembre, le ministère de la Digitalisation a invité une centaine de représentants des associations et organismes actifs dans le domaine de l'inclusion numérique à la 5e édition du Forum...

Funds in Luxembourg: The RC role – Troublemaker or Trusted Partner?

A point of view from Isabelle ERPELDINGER, Senior Compliance Officer RC at Vistra Fund Management S.A. and Armelle MOULIN, Conducting Officer - Chief Compliance Officer Fund’s RC...

Vers un «shutdown» à la française ?

Barnier au bord du gouffre   Par César PÉREZ RUIZ, CIO et responsable des investissements, Pictet Wealth Management   Ignorant la...

Semestre européen 2025 et directive sur les stages : Martine Deprez et Georges Mischo ont exprimé les positions du Luxembourg au Conseil EPSCO

La ministre de la Santé et de la Sécurité sociale, Martine Deprez, et le ministre du Travail, Georges Mischo, ont pris part au Conseil «Emploi, politique sociale, santé et consommateurs» (EPSCO)...

Martine Deprez au Conseil des ministres de la Santé à Bruxelles

Le 3 décembre a eu lieu le Conseil EPSCO en sa formation santé à Bruxelles. Un point saillant de l'agenda était la recommandation du Conseil relative aux environnements sans fumée et sans aérosols...

Xavier Bettel à la réunion des ministres des Affaires étrangères de l'OTAN

Le Vice-Premier ministre, ministre des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce extérieur, Xavier Bettel, participera à la réunion des ministres des Affaires étrangères de l'OTAN, qui aura lieu ces 3 et...

40% of Fund Managers Expect an Increase in Private Capital Allocations in 2025, Gen II CAMMI Report Reveals

Gen II Fund Services today released its latest Core Alternative Managers' Mood Index (CAMMI) report, revealing a significant vote of confidence in private capital markets for 2025. The report...

Zodia Custody enters Luxembourg

Zodia Custody, a leading institution-first digital asset custodian backed by Standard Chartered, SBI Holdings, Northern Trust and National Australia Bank, has established a new presence in...

The EBA amends the supervisory reporting framework for investment firms

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today amendments to its final draft ITS on the supervisory reporting and disclosures of investment firms.   The ITS on investment...

Playing the other Trump card

Donald Trump's election victory is likely to be significant for fixed income investors worldwide. But quite how significant depends on which version of Trump we get.   By Mary...

Clearstream to enhance sustainability data offering for fund distributors with the integration of ISS ESG data

Clearstream, Deutsche Börse’s post-trade services provider, has partnered with ISS ESG, the sustainable investment arm of ISS STOXX, which is also majority-owned by Deutsche Börse Group. This...

Green Earth Impact Fund commits USD 5 million to climate infrastructure across Africa

Schroders Capital and BlueOrchard have invested USD 5 million through the Green Earth Impact Fund (GEIF) into the African Infrastructure Investment Fund 4 (AIIF4), a growth-oriented infrastructure...

L'ADEM organise un Jobday dédié aux jeunes diplômés

Le 9 décembre, de 9 à 16 heures, l'Agence pour le développement de l'emploi (ADEM) organise un Jobday spécialement destiné aux personnes de moins de trente ans et détentrices d'un diplôme (minimum...

Pension plans set to increase spending on scenario modeling (survey Ortec Finance)

Pension plans see room for improvement on their current scenario and risk modeling activities. On one hand, the majority of pension funds surveyed report they will increase their budget for and...

European Commission and EIB announce new partnership to support investments in the European battery manufacturing value chain

Today, the European Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB) are announcing a new partnership to support investments in the EU’s battery manufacturing sector. This partnership will see a...

Unlocking Success Through a Coaching Culture - A Luxembourg Perspective

By Rachel TREECE, CEO, Henka Institute*   As I started writing this article, I was sitting at the Cactus on Rue de Scillas, directly opposite the building where I began my...

LHoFT Foundation Opens Applications for an Industry Utility to Transform Financial Data Exchange

The Luxembourg House of Financial Technology (LHoFT), announces the launch of the Catapult: Future Foundation Program, inviting technology firms and startups to tackle one of the financial...

Inauguration de l'Automobility Incubator au sein de l'Automobility Campus à Bissen

Le 3 décembre, à l'occasion de l'inauguration officielle de l'Automobility Incubator, Lex Delles, ministre de l'Économie, des PME, de l'Énergie et du Tourisme, David Viaggi, bourgmestre de Bissen,...

One Water Summit: EIB joins Multilateral Development Banks in commitment to water security

Today, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and eight Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) committed to enhancing water security globally through a joint statement delivered at the One Water Summit...

AllianzGI recrute Pascal Mouthaan à la distribution Wholesale au Benelux

Allianz Global Investors (AllianzGI) renforce son équipe de distribution au Benelux. Pascal Mouthaan rejoint AllianzGI en tant que Director Business Development pour les clients Wholesale au...

SES's Seventh and Eighth O3b mPOWER Satellites Arrive at Cape Canaveral

SES's seventh and eighth O3b mPOWER satellites have arrived at Cape Canaveral where they will be readied for launch by SpaceX in December.   Both satellites feature redesigned...
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Ces entreprises nous font bénéficier de  leur expertise en collaborant avec Agefi Luxembourg.

These companies give us the benefit of their expertise by collaborating with Agefi Luxembourg.
Zeb Consulting
VP Bank
Digital Services, Technology and Consulting
Square management
Pictet Asset Management
Lamboley Executive Search
Backer McKenzie
Loyens & Loeff
MIMCO Capital
Sia Partners
Generali Investements LU
A&O Shearman
AXA IM Luxembourg
SOCIETE GENERALE Securities Services
J. P. Morgan
Edmond de Rothschild