
Mensuel de octobre 2017 - Public Speaking

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What to include in your technical talk : 3 steps to help you get clear
By Joanna DENTON, Public Speaking Coach *   It’s time to get down to the nitty gritty of your upcoming talk, and get some clarity on what you want to cover.   In one of my first columns, I talked about shifting perspective into the shoes of the audience so that you can see the subject through their eyes. - Who is your audience, and what is important to them? - What do you want your audience to do, think or feel as a result of your talk? and - Where is the overlap between the two, the “What’s in it for me?”   By this stage, then, you should have found the overlap, and the “what’s in it for me for your audience”, and you should also have identified what your underlying message will be in your talk. Now it’s time to...
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