lundi 15 février 2010
Tous les titres


Fax du lundi 15 février 2010 - Tous les titres

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ATOZ Taxand: Luxembourg topping table of least expensive countries to buy your home in

Research conducted by Taxand, the world’s largest independent global network of specialist tax advisors to multinational businesses, has shown that Luxembourg is one of the least expensive countries in the World in which to sell a residential property, with less than 12% (11.68%) of the value swallowed by tax. The tax rate is the fourth lowest of the 23 countries analysed in the research but is still more than two times the tax rate in Malaysia which topped the table with a rate of 5.40% when selling a residential property. Other countries with a considerably low total tax take for the sale of homes included the UK (6.39%), Poland (11.04%) and India (12.09%). This low tax take on a residential property sale in Luxembourg is predominantly the result of the low rate of income tax combined...
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