mardi 13 mars 2018
Tous les titres


Fax du mardi 13 mars 2018 - Tous les titres

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European Fund Industry, The Regulatory Convergence towards Efficient Fund Governance

Since the last financial crisis the asset management industry has been under a lot of pressure to deliver returns in a challenging economic environment. The fund industry needs to rebuild its image and reclaim some of the trust lost from a position of low returns and high fees often highlighted by the comparison to passive fund products. Asset managers might not expect to be loved for managing the public’s savings but should try to earn people’s trust by demonstrating that they are acting positively in investors’ interests.   Whilst fee transparency has improved immensely in the last few years, the multiplicity of disclosures, the confusion in measures and lately the lack of consistency in the newly quoted transaction fees under Mifid II, have not exactly charmed fund...
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VP Bank
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