jeudi 11 mars 2010
Tous les titres


Fax du jeudi 11 mars 2010 - Tous les titres

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KPMG named Euromoney's 'Best Islamic Assurance and Advisory Services Provider' for the third year in a row

KPMG has been named 'Best Islamic Assurance and Advisory Services Provider' at the 2010 Euromoney Islamic Finance Awards ceremony in London, UK. Now in its eighth year, Euromoney's Islamic Finance Awards are regarded as the benchmark awards for the global Islamic finance industry. In selecting KPMG, Euromoney magazine said: "What made KPMG stand out in 2009 was the work it did to help the promotion of Islamic finance globally. In Ireland, for example the firm has assisted the authorities in drafting changes to the tax framework to accommodate Islamic finance. The Canadian practice has also supported development of the industry by assisting in the establishment of an Islamic bank there, whilst colleagues in the Malaysia and Nigeria practices have also been advising the Central Bank of...
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