jeudi 9 juillet 2015
Tous les titres


Fax du jeudi 9 juillet 2015 - Tous les titres

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Can we trust a Cloud provider with our most critical corporate assets?

By Dario Rossa, Associate partner at Spike Reply*   Without a doubt, the Cloud is expanding at the speed of light. This morning I googled for “Cloud Security” and received 57 Million hits, a few hours later and it was already over 69 Million hits. Together with this incredible expansion, threats and cyber security risks are growing at the same speed. Moving your corporate applications and data onto the Cloud is a bit like leaving your child at kindergarten for the first time. It is scary to hand over corporate strategic information into someone else’s control. Leadership teams, executives, security officers, information risk officers and the vast majority of stakeholders have the same question: Is the Cloud secure? Can we trust a Cloud provider with our most...
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