
Mensuel de novembre 2024 - Droit / Emploi

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Unlocking Success Through a Coaching Culture - A Luxembourg Perspective
By Rachel TREECE, CEO, Henka Institute*   As I started writing this article, I was sitting at the Cactus on Rue de Scillas, directly opposite the building where I began my career in Luxembourg 32 years ago. A lot has changed since those early days, both in the business landscape and in my own journey. Today, as the head of the Henka Institute, I am passionate about helping organisations foster resilient, adaptable work cultures. In Luxembourg’s fast-paced, multicultural environment, the importance of employee well-being and growth has never been clearer.   Organisations across Luxembourg and beyond are now recognising the profound impact that workplace wellness can have on their success. At the heart of this transformation is the rise of a...
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