
Mensuel de novembre 2020 - Fonds d’investissement

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ESG Complexity: need for expertise
By Charles LAMOULEN, Head of Portfolio Management at GreenEthica by FIA AM and Christophe BOGAERT, Portfolio Manager at GreenEthica by FIA AM   Although 2020 has been a blockbuster year for ESG Investing, it has also highlighted that the sector is still in its infancy. Environmental, Social, and Governance investing (ESG investing) is a hot topic at the moment and there is a lot of buzz around being seen to be investing ethically.  Generally speaking, in response to the growing demand for values-aligned investments, the number of funds that incorporate environmental social and governance (ESG) factors has more than doubled since 2010, according to the U.S. Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment. Unfortunately, many advisors are discovering how challenging it...
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