
Mensuel de novembre 2020 - Fonds d’investissement

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From Geoeconomics to Geopolitics of Finance
Some time ago, Fukuyama (1992) argued that, in the future the political systems would converge towards the model of so-called liberal democracies, namely liberal policies in the US sense of equality and minority rights, with hence an important Human Rights agenda. Incidentally, it is interesting to highlight that implicitly Fukuyama (1992) presumed that there is a logic in historical development, an assumption that is not very scientific as pointed out by Popper (1945, 1959) and Vienna-circle thinkers. There is probably no need to convince the reader that the geopolitical tensions over the last ten years seem to contradict Fukuyama’s prediction. In this respect, Fukuyama (2014) himself revised his analysis.   Geopolitical tensions occurring over the last decade, also led...
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