
Mensuel de novembre 2020 - Fonds d’investissement

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Key Insights from ALFI’s Virtual US Roadshow
ALFI Digi Pulse USA was an excellent opportunity for asset managers and service providers in North America to reconnect and hear the latest news on the most significant developments of interest for the asset management and investment industry from ALFI experts.   In his opening remarks, ALFI’s Deputy Director General, Marc-André Bechet gave a brief overview of key files on which ALFI has been recently working for its members. On COVID-19, the association has acted as an intermediary between asset managers and the regulator to collect questions from the industry and enter into a structured dialogue with policymakers. ALFI has created a new Information Board on its website to post all documents of relevance to its members. Marc-André Bechet went on to detail ALFI’s...
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