
Mensuel de novembre 2020 - Economie

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Interview with Economist Michal KURTYKA, Polish Minister of Climate and Environment, OECD Secretary-General candidate: «OECD best practices have contributed to the promotion of responsible, effective and inclusive multilateralism»
As the first nominated Secretary-General candidate from Central Europe, what can you bring to this all-democratic club from a former communist country that restored democracy in almost one night? MK: For me, as a Pole born and raised in communist Poland, solidarity is a value valued most highly. This value allowed the Poles to initiate and make a historic breakthrough that triggered pro-freedom and pro-democratic changes throughout Central and Eastern Europe, making Poland a post-communist country. The idea of solidarity also exists in the economy. The term economic solidarity was forged by the Polish economist and philosopher Leopold Caro, influenced by French social solidarity and Catholic social...
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