
Mensuel de novembre 2020 - Economie

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Growth forecasts fall in the Autumn Economic Forecast, but help is on the way
By Olivier GOEMANS, Investment Services and Innovation, Banque Internationale à Luxembourg   The eurozone recorded its fastest rate of expansion since records began in 1995 in the third quarter, but the European Commission took the gilt off the gingerbread by revising down its growth forecasts shortly after, pointing to the pandemic’s resurgence. Nonetheless, more fiscal and monetary support is forthcoming.   Quarter-on-quarter, the eurozone economy expanded 12.7% in Q3, versus 9.4% expected, but a new series of lockdowns, curfews and restrictive measures threatens to put a spanner in the works. As Maarten Verwey, European Director General Economic and Financial Affairs comments, ‘The combination of renewed fear about the spread of the disease and...
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