
Mensuel de mai 2024 - Informatique / Sécurité

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DORA, strengthening your ICT framework using Tech
By Leonhard KOSSMANN, CEO of Fundvis   In today’s digital world, where financial systems are more connected than ever, cybersecurity risks are not just a thread to individual banks or other players in the sector but actually for the entire stability of the financial sector.   To prevent a mass collapse of interconnected systems, the European Parliament and Council introduced Regulation (EU) 2022/2554, more prominently known as the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), on December 14, 2022. Its aim is to make financial systems stronger in the face of digital threats, a topic more relevant than ever during these turbulent times. DORA creates a common set of rules to deal with these risks across all EU countries, simplifying the legal landscape...
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