
Mensuel de mai 2024 - Fonds d’investissement

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Demystifying high yield! (Luxembourg For Family Office workshop and roundtable)
By Diana DIELS, Luxembourg For Family Office   On Thursday 28 March, Luxembourg For Family Office held its first workshop and roundtable of the year. A two hours meeting was hosted at Stena office and animated by Frederic Petre while each member could present and debate its own investment view and more specifically, their fixed income strategy.   Debate started on the macro picture and it rapidly appears that there was a positive consensus on the evolution of the worldwide economy. In line, with this positive view, most participants are now, more and more doubtful about the possibility of seeing rate cuts before June and, at the same time, number of cut for the full year could be limited to only 2 or 3 cuts by the ECB and FED respectively. ...
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