
Mensuel de mai 2024 - Banque privée / Economie

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“The European Union and the Western Balkans. Enlargement: ambitions versus realities?” (The Bridge Forum Dialogue conference)
The Bridge Forum Dialogue (BFD) organised a conference under the title “The European Union and the Western Balkans. Enlargement: ambitions versus realities?” on 23 April 2024.   The event was hosted at the Auditorium Cité in Luxembourg. The speaker was Ambassador Stefan Füle, former European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy.   In his introduction, Etienne de Lhoneux, Chair of the Executive Committee of the BFD, noted that enlargement has returned to the EU policy agenda.   In this context, he emphasised that the Western Balkans should be given priority. He extended a warm welcome to the speaker, Ambassador Stefan Füle.   Mr Füle presented a comprehensive vision of the EU enlargement process over many...
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