
Mensuel de mars 2022 - Assurances

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Octium completes acquisition of Credit Suisse Life & Pensions (Interview with Jean-Francois WILLEMS, Executive Chairman Octium Group)
Can you tell us about the history of Octium?   Octium was established following the identification of a trend for large international banks exiting the in-house, captive client, Life Insurance market (Julius Baer, HSBC etc). In 2016, Octium agreed to buy the Life Insurance carrier of UBS (UBS International Life) which was based in Ireland. The deal was finalised in 2017 which was the genesis of Octium’s dual approach to growth, that of organic and acquisition growth. In 2020, Octium established its own Insurance broker (Tied Agent) in Liechtenstein to support a holistic approach to distribution, while ensuring access to both EEA and Swiss markets and counterparties. Most recently at the end of 2021, Octium acquired the Life Insurance carrier of Credit...
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