
Mensuel de mars 2022 - Economie / Banques

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Six key changes brought by the modernized Securitization Law voted in February 2022
By Papa Saliou DIOP Oliver CLOESS, EY Luxembourg*   The Luxembourg law on securitizations dated 22 March 2004 (the “Securitization Law”) has been providing a sound, flexible and very efficient legal, regulatory and tax framework for securitization transactions for the past two decades. In a highly attractive but also fast-moving Luxembourg securitization landscape, the requirements of the market have evolved. A modernized Luxembourg Securitization Law has therefore been voted for by the Parliament, with the purpose to further clarify the existing framework and to adapt it, while maintaining high protection for investors. Papa Saliou DIOP, Associate Partner, Securitization Leader and Oliver CLOESS, Associate Partner at EY Luxembourg, analyze the six key...
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