
Mensuel de juin 2022 - Economie

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“The 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties with Luxembourg” (Interview of H.E. Mr. Margulan BAIMUKHAN, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Belgium, Luxembourg and the European Union)
Agefi: Mr. Ambassador, on June 5, people will vote by referendum to change one third of the Constitution in order to give more power to the Parliament: what will change?   The referendum to introduce changes to 31 articles and 2 new ones into the Constitution is the next stage in the implementation of the presidential program of political reforms aimed at bettering the lives of the citizen and turning Kazakhstan into a true democratic society. Since his election as president of Kazakhstan in 2019 Mr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev embarked on an irreversible path of political modernisation of the country. He proposed the concept of a “Listening State” and established a “National Council of Public Trust” which advised on various acute issues of the political,...
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