
Mensuel de décembre 2019 - Nominations

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FIA Asset Management strenghtens its ESG-oriented investment team with a new Head
The asset management company part of FARAD Group welcomes Charles Lamoulen as Head of Portfolio Management. Charles Lamoulen will oversee the 2020-2022 ESG-focused development plan. FIA Asset Management (FIA A.M.), part of the independent FARAD Group, the first financial group in Luxembourg to have obtained the B-Corporation certification for its ESG standards, once again confirms the centrality of sustainable finance in its 2020-2022 business development plan by appointing a new strategic figure.   The appointment of Charles Lamoulen as new Head of Portfolio Management for the Italian, French and Benelux markets falls within this framework and as an addition to the company adherence to the UN PRI and the LuxFLAG ESG label obtained by two directly managed SRI funds, a...
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