
Mensuel de décembre 2019 - Consultance

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From Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe, a new ambitious program for research and innovation funding in Europe
By Alejandro Simon de DIOS, Manager Alicia MAGNANON, Consultant, Wavestone Luxembourg   Horizon 2020, the Research and Innovation EU program with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) is coming to an end and will be succeeded by Horizon Europe (2021 to 2027), with a higher budget (nearly €100 billion), and an ambitious program more focus on innovation, research, and individuals.   This overview aims to better understand Horizon Europe, its main differences with the last funding program, its boosted strategy on open innovation with a budget of €13 500 million, presenting more opportunities for the private sector in Luxembourg (e.g. SMEs including start-ups (24.483,496 total SMEs(1)) than the previous framework programme,...
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