
Mensuel de décembre 2019 - Banques

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More opportunities than challenges in Private Banking in Luxembourg
Trust has a value, and reputation is a fragile thing». These were the words of H.E. Pierre Gramegna in his key note address to the Annual General Meeting of the ABBL’s Private Banking Group (PBGL) on November 19th. Around 120 ABBL Members and guests were in attendance, to hear the Minister of Finance speak, to participate in a lively panel discussion, and to elect the PBGL Executive Committee for the new term (2019-21).   The evening was introduced by the Chairman of the PBGL, Pierre Etienne (Managing Director of Pictet Cie (Luxembourg) S.A.), who talked the audience through the results of the latest ABBL/CSSF Private Banking survey figures.   Pierre Gramegna, Minister of Finance, spoke of the trust that the financial sector has in a country which...
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MIMCO Capital
Pictet Asset Management
J. P. Morgan
VP Bank
Lamboley Executive Search
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AXA IM Luxembourg
Zeb Consulting
Square management
Generali Investements LU
Edmond de Rothschild
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