
Mensuel de décembre 2019 - Banques

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The time is now - Complying with the Second Shareholders’ Rights Directive
By Gilles WALERS, Legal Adviser, ABBL   Regularly labelled as one the most important regulatory developments that nobody has ever heard about, the Shareholders’ Rights framework set up by the European legislator should be a high priority for issuers, investors and intermediaries – banks, brokers and wealth managers – on a global basis.   A look back in time in this context is particularly worth to grasp where we come from and where we are heading. The original Shareholder Rights Directive (SRD1) was implemented in 2007 and sought merely to regularise basic corporate governance in companies which have their registered office in the EU and whose shares are admitted to trading on EU regulated markets. Not unlike its second version, SRD1 focused on the...
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