
Mensuel de avril 2024 - Fonds d’investissement

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AIFMD 2: Shaping the Future of Alternative Investments in Europe
By Alexandre HECKLEN, Partner - Managing Director François-Xavier LE CORRE, Legal Officer, Mc Square   The European Union has taken a significant step in modernising the regulatory framework for alternative investment funds (AIFs) and their managers (AIFMs) with the adoption of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive II (AIFMD 2). The text of the AIFMD 2 was published on 26 March 2024 and will enter into force on 15 April 2024.   This new directive, building upon the original AIFMD introduced in 2011, aims to address the evolving landscape of the alternative investment industry and ensure a more harmonised and resilient regulatory environment across the EU. Some of these changes will however apply as well to the UCITS world by...
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