
Mensuel de avril 2024 - Fonds d’investissement

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Luxembourg remains key player with more than 76,000 global true cross-border fund registrations
Luxembourg remains, by far, the leader in global cross-border fund registrations with a market share of 54.6%, although experiencing a minor decline by 0.4% in the registrations of the Grand Duchy’s funds in 2023. The total number of global true cross-border funds reached 14,725 in 2023, up from 14,607 in 2022. As for the number of global cross-border registrations, it increased by 1.6% to reach 140,635 in 2023, up from 138,467 in 2022.   The insights come from the 24th edition of PwC Luxembourg’s Global Fund Distribution (GFD) Poster, offering a comprehensive analysis of global fund distribution trends across more than 40 countries.   Key findings include:   Overall trends: - Luxembourg and Ireland maintain significant market...
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